Thursday, February 16, 2012

Emily Made Out....

When Trenten went to buy roses for his girlfriend for Valentine's Day, he returned home with roses for Emily.  She was so suprised and happy.  But Trent doesn't get credit for all these roses, some came from Jason and I.  Emily had a choir concert tonight that the fourth and fifth graders had been working on putting together all school year.  Finally, we were able to hear them sing.  What an exciting concert they had - made my choir concerts seem like snore-a thons.  They were in black and white and used a black light for a song, had glow in the dark bracelets and sang in the dark for another, and had hats and props.  They sang songs from Phineas and Ferb, Shake It Up (Disney), and Fireflies to name a few.  They were so much fun to watch.  The High School auditorium was packed!  Standing room only.  She had a great time and was so suprised to see we had brought her flowers.  She added them to the ones Trent bought her and I grabbed a few photos.....

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